Serving Tucson   Se Habla Español   (520) 722-2006

                                   Why Visit MVD, When you can be A VIP?


Se Habla Español | 30+ Years Combined Experience

 (520) 722-2006

Business Hours

Mon - Fri
Sat - Sun

Important Title and Registration Services

Whether you've just purchased a brand-new car or you need to transfer the title of a vehicle you sold, come to Southwest Motor Vehicle Center today. We'll take care of you in a friendly, convenient atmosphere. Our team will make sure your car is legal, so get your title and registration paperwork taken care of today!

A Wide Variety of Title and Registration Services

  • Duplicate titles                                              • Replacements
  • Permits and placards                                  • Title Transfers
  • Renewals                                                        • Vehicle registration

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